OPEN STUDIOS RETAIL GALLERIES are a social enterprise program providing local artists the opportunity to show and sell their work. We began building temporary pop-up galleries in vacant retail buildings in 2018. Visit Open Studios Gallery Boulder Junction to shop for art and gifts, created by Open Studios artists from around Boulder County.
Open Studios Gallery Boulder Junction
3075 Pearl Parkway (Pearl and Junction Place), Boulder
A carefully curated gallery of fine art and gifts created by Open Studios Member artists, just one block east of the Barnes & Noble bookstore at 30th & Pearl.
Join us from 1 to 4pm on the 2nd Sunday each month for our 2ND SUNDAY ART EVENT. On this day each month, our special guests will be two of the artists whose work you'll find in Gallery Boulder Junction. Get to know them at this 'Studio Tour-like' event, where you'll learn about their techniques, processes and inspiration. Guest artists often provide visitors with hands-on opportunities to experiment with their mediums, and there's usually a concurrent maker activity you can participate in. For up-to-date information on 2nd Sunday Art Events, join our email list by filling out the form HERE.
Boulder Junction Gallery Hours:
Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday: Noon to 5 p.m.

Photography: Karen Dombrowski-Sobel
Map Graphic: Lightspeed Commercial Arts

Using temporary spaces during the winter holidays and when opportunities arise, POP Gallery pop-ups give Open Studios Member Artists an opportunity to advance their careers and an additional chance for the public to support Boulder County artists. Artists share the cost of gallery operations at minimal commission rates. All artists who live and/or make their art in Boulder County are eligible to apply for Open Studios Membership. The POP! Gallery program is a benefit of Membership. The art for each POP Gallery is carefully curated to provide an excellent and varied selection of work.
Artists - Join our Artist Email List to learn about exhibiting in our galleries and other opportunities.
Property Owners & Brokers - If you have a building that a POP! Gallery can enhance while you look for a long-term tenant, contact us at or call 303-444-1862 to discuss possibilities.
Be sure to join our Patron Email List for the latest Gallery news.
Contact for more information.