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Nancy Kirkendall

Studio #43, Open Oct 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20

2101 Jonathan Place, Boulder 80304


I am a cold wax and oil painter. I begin each work on a gessoed paneled board with 3 contrasting colors of cold wax and oil. The first layer is applied with a squeeze using transparent color of oil paint mixed with cold wax that stains the panel, the second layer is applied wet on wet with a brayer. This layer is a contrasting color of cold wax and oil, as is the third layer. I then apply texture and marks using tissue papers, straw, a wooden skewer, and other devices. Once the paint firms up a bit (usually over night) I smooth out cerain tareas using a pallette knife to create smooth areas of topography. From there the painting evloves layer upon layer, and stripping away layers using mineral oils and scrapers and tissue paper and cheese clothe and ripple cloth until the final painting emerges.


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