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Cyndi Kennedy

108 East Cannon Street, Lafayette, CO 80026


I create collage figures from old postage stamps. Inspired by a 1930’s pastel image of a colorful Oriental Buddha figure by Odilon Redon, I thought I would experiment with a similar figure created from old, cancelled, oriental postage stamps I had collected. The stamps and the process captured me and Buddha was followed by Nun, Gypsy, Matador, Ganesh, Bishnu…Occasionally an image on a stamp initiates its own character—Samurai, Geisha, Dragon and Phoenix. From a distance they are creatures of color, light and shadow. Up close, enlarged or with a magnifying glass, they become a study in image, philosophy, religion, geography, art, sculpture, and literature. I have recently decided to do a series of my own Major Arcana Tarot cards and you will see a number of those below. I hope the detail comes through in the compressed files.

Painting, Mixed Media

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