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Dan Baumbach

1551 Norwood Ave, Boulder, CO 80304

From Norwood & Broadway go 2.5 blocks east, Studio is down wide drive, north side of street.


The great photographer Paul Caponigro says, “At the

root of creativity is to be able to hear through the eyes.”

I’m really struck by that metaphor. When we listen to

music, we can get absorbed in it -- we can close our eyes

and let the music transport us. I like to think of my photographs that way. I want them to capture you, pull you in and maybe for a moment, maybe longer, you’ll forget who and where you are, and you’ll be transported I love to wander in and photograph nature. I may shoot

landscapes, creeks, grasses, clouds and maybe undiscernable things. The subject matter isn’t that important. What is important is if the photo has the power to capture us.


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