Demry Frankenheimer
6431 Redwing Pl, Longmont, CO 80503
N on Diagonal Hwy L on 63rd St R at Niwot Rd L on Redwing Pl
Familiar and unfamiliar materials have informed my work this year. Integrating these materials, the exploration of the human form is viewed from different perspectives and examined both figuratively and conceptually: one through placement and use of materials and the other through abstracted inquiry.
Working with my materials and their juxtapositions, I “write” what I see and sense, referencing time, history, pain, power, connection, healing, beauty. Thus, creating an artistic language with the intention of visually capturing and articulating our internal and external worlds.
Whether through the emotional or physical environments, my work is a diverse exploration in which to experience our body landscapes.
Sculpture, Fiber, Mixed Media
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